3 Quotes & Sayings By Yuikan Shirik

Yuikan Shirik Ehe, born in 1963, is one of the leaders of the Korean fashion industry. He was ten years old when his father founded the company, and Ehe joined the business as an employee at age fifteen. The company, now known as Yuike (pronounced "yoo-kee"), is one of Korea's largest retailers of men's and women's fashion accessories. Ehe has also founded two other fashion companies since creating Yuike Read more

His fashion empire has expanded to include fashion shows, fashions, and cosmetics. The Yuikan Group currently employs over 40,000 people worldwide.

To think outside the box, first you need to know what YOU & OTHERS are thinking inside. Yuikan Shirik
First learn to dream big, then the possibilities will follow by itself. Yuikan Shirik